Jobs:his sprit will go on

jobs ,he change the world

we will miss him forever .

if you want to buy ipod,ipad2,macbook,iphone4s,just come here


best wishes

Fabulous Evening of Accomplishments!

I was able to get TWO very important things done last night.  First, after over a month of trying to recover my crashed Mythbuntu installation on my Mac mini, I finally got it up and running again!  Here is how I did it:


I did, however, skip the part about converting MBR partition table entries from GPT entries, because when I did it the first time my Mythbuntu didn’t boot anymore.  So I avoided that step, and I can boot into Myth now.


Second, I turned my Myth installation into a wireless bridge!  Useful for me when I troubleshoot computers at home.  Here’s how I did that (note I used the Firestarter option):


Help me please!

I like playing around with programs and gadgets. If anyone has a skype account, can you join me in testing out its whiteboard? If interested, please email me at, or call me at (405) 771-0287

Time is running out!

May is coming to a close. If you still want me to look at your system remotely at no charge, call (405) 771-0287 to schedule an appointment.

Want to view AVIs on your iPhone or iPod touch?

The ⁠blog⁠ posting has been more sporadic lately, partly due to the fact I’ve been under the weather for the past few days. Nothing special hit me at work today, other than the successful implementation of the purgos remote access software.

Checking my rss feeds at the casino one day I found out about an iPhone app I had to try out. It’s called airvideo, and what this will do is allow you to stream videos in different formats, like AVI, MPG, et al. without having to convert first. Just install the app on your iphone or ipod touch, install the server on your Windows PC or Mac, and you’re set. If you have AVIs or MPGs and you hate converting them before watching them on your iPhone/iPod Touch give this program a go.

My first NBA playoff game…..

….was PHENOMENAL!  It was impossible to stand in that stadium and not be influenced by the energy and the emotion of the fans in the Ford Center.  Generally I just sit there, text, and surf the web on my phone at the few games I attended this year, but this time I was actually out of my seat throughout the game as for most of the game the Thunder would close in and the Lakers would pull away.

Here is a link to all the photos I took.   Some look decent; others don’t.  I took this opportunity to play around with the settings of the camera to get what I thought was the best for where I was, which was the second row from the ceiling.

Click here for highlights.

Don’t Forget!

I’m working on setting up a new theme for my blog, and getting my freebies hooked up for you all.  Stay Tuned!

Quick and dirty, part 2

My apologies for such a late post. Last week was extremely hectic. Sometimes you have to clean up your messes when you decide on quick and dirty solutions. I post a blog entry on how I had to implement a quick and dirty solution to a thin client problem. Well, I had to set up those thin clients differently, requiring some different methods.
Normally when I set up a terminal server environment I set up the terminal server in the same room as the thin clients. This time I had to set the terminal server in one building and the thin clients in another building. Troubleshooting the connections took some time, as the thin clients were not connecting to the terminal server to boot up. I had tracked the problem to a switch I had to replace, the quick and dirty solution to this problem, since I had to use a switch with smaller ports.

I also had to solve the login problem I had in which I kept getting kicked back to the login prompt. I had a little more time to research this issue, and I was able to finally find out how to solve it in time for the testing that took place the next day.

Tips for troubleshooting

  1. Know the lay of the land. That’s especially essential in troubleshooting an enterprise network environment
  2. Gather as much information you can! Get familiar with the logging systems of anything you have to troubleshoot. Find out if somethings changed in your systems since you last looked at it. And once you
  3. Google is your friend. Things you find in the logs or indicators are more than likely are explained online and have solutions. A lot of what you have experienced has been experienced by others. Leverage that knowledge.

If you have any problems logging on to Ubuntu LTSP thin clients, here are some links I used to help troubleshoot and fix login problems:

Can’t remember your PST file password?

Last week I had an assignment in which i was to restore some emails (that’s what I found out when I got there.) When I tried to restore her Microsoft Outlook .pst file, I realized it was password protected. After trying out different passwords I was given I decided to find something I can use to break the password. Enter pstpassword, a free tool I was able to download and run right there. It provides passwords you can try that will allow you import the pst into your Outlook profile. Lessons to be learned:

  1. Google is your friend. In this business it is imperative that you keep up with the technology and the trends so you can continue to find out how to fix things that come your way. Check out my blogroll to find out what information I routinely check to find out new information.
  2. If you plan to store anything you might need to keep secret, putting a password on a .pst file is clearly not the best way to go. If you need that level of privacy, you can store your pst file in a TrueCrypt archive, and while it may seem cumbersome, it does work in securely encrypting the data.


Quick and dirty solutions

Sometimes in the heat of battle I end up having to become satisfied with a kludge or hack to a problem I have to solve in a hurry. A couple of days ago I had to set up a number of kiosks for our financial aid department, and since I had no spare computers I set up a terminal server environment with a number of thin clients. Ubuntu server makes this kind of setup easy, until i try to log on. I cant get logged on! The screen blanks, and I am back at the login screen. What to do? I only had two hours tops to figure something out. Some Google searching on how to debug these problems led me to believe that I needed another window manager. Long story short I was able to get the logins created to work well enough to run firefox. While it worked i really am not satisfied personally with the solution, but I’ve come to realize that’s the nature of the beast sometimes.

Later on I was tasked with setting up a VPN connection with an outside organization on a laptop. However, we don’t allow outgoing PPTP connections through our firewall. After talking to their IT guy (they didn’t have an SSL VPN) I proceeded to the Cisco web site, where I found out how to all outgoing PPTP connections through the firewall. To me it is a bit much to allow an outgoing connection , but it works.

A very interesting day, but at the end of it, I feel like I took on the world and won. What was the craziest solution you had to a problem you faced?